Saturday, May 26, 2012

New Beginnings for My Sandlot Rascal

Just in case you happen upon a rascal in your travels, as I recently did, and you want to adopt him but aren't sure about opening up your home to a wayward street dweller, here is a recipe for rehabbing the little guy so he can become useful and responsible, and an asset rather than a liability.

Step One: Pull one rascal, who has been cavorting with the trash on the other side of town, out of the dirt and gently carry him home in the back seat of your car, and clean him up a bit.
Step Two: Find that wine box you haven't decided what to do with yet.

Step Three: Mix a little paint and water, equal parts.

Step Four: Wash the diluted paint over the wine box wood with any old brush you have on hand.

Step Five: Let is sit a sec and then lightly wipe it off, more so where you want certain characteristics to show through.

Step Six: Paint the rascal how ever you dare - I mean what do you have to lose? You weren't all that sure about him anyway... I don't "dare" much, so I went with white for starters to see how that went over (and I was not careful in the least because I knew where he was headed.)

Step Seven: Then go ahead and play at "daring" just for fun by trying out the aqua colors that you already have on hand, painting them on the drawer fronts. When the first one is too bright, try a different color on the other the end, leave them both as they are, brightness, variation in color and all, just to give it a try.
Step Eight: Select a couple of old faucets or faucet knobs from the drawer where you stash all that junk you just know you're gonna need for a project one day, and which you've been collecting for just such an occasion, constantly assuring the family you really will absolutely need them some time. (Then smirk that "I told you so" grin when you actually do need and  use them.) (I love that part!)

...careful to select just the right ones...

Step Nine: To rig up a way to make a faucet work as a drawer knob, you might use the 1970-something powdered putty mix you borrowed a while back from your neighbor and haven't returned. (I promise, I'm gonna give it back - sometime - But isn't the can just so retro cool?) 

Don't follow the package directions because that doesn't produce a thick consistency as stated, just do what works. Fill the opening of the faucet with putty and let it harden...

Step Ten: Turn the screws into the putty and pray it holds. It'll kinda have to be just for decoration,I assume, because I don't think the putty will hold with much use, and I'll forget and yank on them, I'm sure. We'll see how my rig job does. If it fails, I'll try some other rig, no doubt.

So yeah, well, that's sorta quirky cute and all, and the knobs go with the watery aqua feel, which matches the old door leaning up against the wall, but it's way too crisp and clean looking. Kinda flat and odd for the great outdoors where I intend for the little guy to earn his keep.

So yesterday I added some plants in those drawers...hey, it looks like the faucet could water the plants for me...and no, I hadn't planted them at this point. Today things have already changed. I'll show you that further down.

Now, grab the the wine box you did a paint wash on and set it on top as a tray...

Mmmm...I could use some lemonade about now.

Or you can take the tray off and use the top as a place to set your garden tools.

The colorful blooms are like garden candy!

So I've dressed the wayward little rascal in shades of aqua and I'm making him hold flowers and serve lemonade and tea and take care of the garden tools. You see, I'm just making sure he is truly rehabilitated. I let him wear the faucets as knobs just so he didn't get resentful, feeling like he was having to do all "girl work". Faucets are plenty manly, that and holding the tools, right?

So far, he's been on very good behavior and he hasn't complained a bit.

This tablecloth or dresser scarf, was made by either my mom, Aunt Vernie or Aunt Marie, most likely in the 50's or 60's. I've had it for many, many years.

I know this is a lot of pictures of my little rascal, but I'm just loving these faucets.

So I had a before and after shot yesterday.

Today, However, I went to Home Depot for more plants.

These delicate little yellow flowers took the place of the colorful variety. These sort of spilled over and out, and having all the same color in the drawers offered consistency that seemed more calming. The yellow, I thought, looked nice with the aqua, and just wait until they fill out!

I bought plastic containers and PLANTED the flowers in them...I told ya I would. So do you see anything very special about the little rascal in the new shots from today?

I was so proud of the little guy that when I found some casters today (50 cents for all four- SCORE), I came home and put them right on him (E.B. - my drill - came out to help and he was on his best behavior. We are getting along so much better now. I'm thrilled, because... well don't tell him, but I really NEED him.) So anyway, I didn't want the little rascal to have to sit in any puddles if it rains, then there these casters were on a table at storage unit sale. Sweet! Now, I'm thinking I will put a little bar or something on the bright white empty side to hang a towel. Then I think this little guy will be a new man!

Enough with the faucets already!

So that's the recipe for rehabbing a rascal found face down in the dirt where he had been carousing with his trashy friends on the other side of town. 

I suggest you give it a try some time. It's quite rewarding to help out an unfortunate little bedside table and give it an opportunity in a new home where he will have boundaries and a fresh outlook as he learns to make something of his life.

 I have not figured out how the little guy will hold up under the weather, but one reason I didn't distress him was because I figure he'll weather enough out here. From his past, I'm guessing he can take it.

Besides, now that he has wheels, at least I can roll him under the awning if the weather gets bad for an extended time and I can take the flowers out if needed too. 

If he doesn't take off on his own, I'll know he's happy here.

So it looks like a happy ending. 

Or rather, it's a new beginning. 

Here's a little Sandlot Rascal much like my own that offers a certain sort of inspiration for Rascal's Rehab - in a number of ways... it also happens to be my favorite movie scene of all time.

"Did you plan that?" 
"Course I did, been plannin' it for years."

I'll be sharing my rehabilitated Rascal at:

Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


  1. Liz, the rascal is soooooo cute. The color is perfect, the faucet knobs are fun, and the box on top is perfect too!

  2. This is adorable! Very creative, I love it! I'm visiting for FJS, and I'm pinning this and I'm now a follower. Great Job!

  3. That is quite a transformation! I love the colour you chose and adore the drawer pulls! What a brilliant idea. Your rehabilitated rascal is fabulous!

    Thanks so much for joining in with my say G'day party. I really appreciate your support!

    I'm going to tweet about this great idea right now!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha in Oz

  4. Liz,I so enjoyed your little story and play on words. Your little rascal is now beautiful. Can I pin it? I know others will love it too.

  5. Oh my - I think that little rascal has become a very handsome gentleman. While he may have been homeless you have given him a second chance and I'm sure he will reward you handsomely! (I just love the color and the faucets! So creative!)
    Have a fabulous Memorial Day!
    Hugs -

  6. Don't tell Mr Man but I am in love with "A little Rascal" What an amazing thing you did with it!!! You are right about the coasters! Keep the bottom dry. Thank you so much for sharing it at "The Sunday Stop"!

  7. Lady I am sitting here, scrolling with my MOUTH hanging open [gross] why didn't I think of that?..simply b/c nomatter how weirdly creative one is one person cannot think of all the quirky FANTASTIC ideas..speechless/almost.
    JH-South Alabama
    Like Gramma's House
    Loving my south Georgia roots...from LONG, LONG AGO-

  8. I'm so glad you helped that poor abandoned little guy! Looks like he is the long lost twin brother to my little dresser! Maybe we can get them together for a reunion!

    Love the knobs!!

  9. That is adorable! Wow! I'm a new follower!


  10. WELL WELCOME TO COM-MONDAY, I am thrilled to have you YAY! This project is insanely adorable.. I am seeing a feature in your near future. Winks, jen

  11. Came over from Twigg. That little rehab rascal can roll right up here anytime he wants. I did not know that anyone else had a drawer of faucets. Another orphan saved! I keep telling you - get a truck!

    Distressed Donna Down Home

  12. That is the cutest little guy ever! The faucets are so adorable, and once it was filled with plants it as perfect! Love it!

  13. What a clever idea - I love the new colours & the quirky new handles! looks fabulous.

  14. I think this has to be the most clever planter idea I have ever seen. And those faucets?! Love them!

  15. So cute, I love this!
    Marcie @

  16. I really liked the handles. I would never have thought to do this. Its just beautiful with the flowers in it. come by and see us on the web.

  17. Ahhhh, I love it! Great work, awesome inspiration!

  18. LOVE IT!!! TOO CUTE. I've got to do this sometime.

  19. OH, and Im now following you, so please come viist me at and hope you'll follow back. THANKS. 8-)

  20. oh my goodness! that little piece is adorable! great colors and AWESOME knobs!

  21. oh my goodness! that little piece is adorable! great colors and AWESOME knobs!

  22. Ah! That is awesome! Love the faucets. I'd love for you to come link up at my party going on now :)

  23. Geez, why don't I have a drawer full of old colorful faucets? Love this darling project!

  24. Liz! This turned out so great. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the faucet handles. How did you know about the putty stuff, you clever girl! I need to hang around you more. :)

  25. Love the faucet handles and the color too!
    Thanks for following me ..... following you know too!

  26. Love this! What an entertaining story and play-by-play. Your rascal will definitely live happily ever after :)

  27. LOVE those faucet handles...very cute and clever :) Laurel

  28. featured you this morning. Thanks so much for linking up!

  29. Love...I mean absolutely LOVE those faucets for handles!

  30. Great job! Great to have you be a part of Seasonal Sundays.

    - The Tablescaper

  31. Oh my gosh, those 'knob's are way cool!! Love, love, love it! :)

  32. Very Inspiring - thank you for sharing such a unique idea. CJ

  33. You are brilliant - I never would have imagined this transformation in a million years - faucets as knobs?! Thanks for the inspiration!

  34. Liz, Your planter/chest is soooo adorable and I love the knobs! Thanks for joining the Open House party.

  35. You are amazingly creative - that rascal is just too cute!

  36. I just love this! I am thrilled to be your newest follower! Thanks for popping by my blog!

  37. wow - I love it; the blue looks fabulous behind the flowers! - I found you via linky - I've joined your site, and off to have a good look around the blog - yay - would love you to come visit me (& join if you can - it'll help make my husband shush about all the time I spend crafting/blogging!):

  38. Love the faucets as handles! I saw something last week about pouring craft epoxy resin into the openings of old doorknobs to make them into drawer knobs. Maybe you could somehow use that next time to help the screws hold better!

  39. OMG how incredibly adorable is that!! I just love it! Thanx so much for partying at my place.

  40. Hi Liz, thanks for visiting and commenting on my post about "5 Points Antiques" in Jacksonville, FL. I believe you would really enjoy that shopping experience, too. Love, love, love Rascal and all the ways you have decorated the drawers. Thanks for the fun. Helen

  41. I loved everything about this post...from your story about the little the color's you chose...and the faucets for handles I absolutely loved! So...I have a little piece out in the garage...a little wood box...and old window...and I may copy this completely! Great job...and I am inspired! I just have to find some faucets!

  42. OMGoodness! This is so adorable!

    @ Creatively Living

  43. Your so talented and in today's Saturday Spotlight Talent Show, thank you so much. winks, jen

  44. This is such a great idea. I love it. I am stopping in from TheStuffofSuccess. Enjoy your week. Athena

  45. You are being featured at The "Sunday Stop". Drop by and grab a button. I just love what you did to the night stand! Thank you for the inspiration!
    Hugs, Bj

  46. Love your little rascal, Liz! I'll be featuring you this week at Knick of Time Tuesday and there will be an "I Was Featured" button waiting there for you!


  47. You are an awesome writer! That was so very entertaining and your little rascal turned out incredible! I'm so impressed. Thank you for posting this on my link party at Doodles and Stitches. Although it's not closed yet, I sure wouldn't be surprised if you aren't the winner in the furniture makeover category. Thanks for sharing! :)

  48. Just like the movie, your rascal is a classic. Sandlot is one of my favorite movies and I am laughing so hard. Love, love that scene! You were a bit daring, but it certainly paid off. Much like the clip don't you think? lol! Love, love the faucets! I hope you will share something with Share Your Cup this Thursday!

  49. Love how cute it turned out! The faucets for drawer handles is such a good idea. Love your little Rascal! Thanks for sharing on Simple & Sweet Fridays! Always love your wonderful comments on Rooted in Thyme and Thyme for Home. Have a fun week!


  50. This is the most adorable outdoor Garden Dresser I have EVER seen!! Thank you so much for sharing. Featuring tomorrow at my party at 2 PST.

  51. This is too cute~ Love the faucets! I featured you today! Stop by and link up again this week!

  52. Fabulous project. Love everything about it, especially the faucets~what a neat touch.
    I use the same wood putty as you. Love that stuff!

  53. Ah! I love this. The colors are so pretty and the faucets as knobs are brilliant. So perfect. :)

  54. Great work on transforming that rascal! I love the faucets! I did something similar last June and loved it. Isn't it fun to find different things to use as planters?
    Saw you sharing at Funky Junk's SNS
    Debbie :)

  55. LOVE it! So adorably cute and I just love those faucet handles! Great job!

  56. Fabulous and brilliant! The faucets took it right over the top! Hope you can stop by the enchanted to say hi and see whats going on in my kitchen and garden!


Thanks for coming by. I hope you'll say hello and let me know your thoughts. I'd love to hear from you! Unfortunately spammers have been at an all time high, so I will no longer be able to accept anonymous comments.