It's all over but the celbration dinner! The crying? Well that's over and done with too... for this event anyway. Despite the drama and trauma of the past week (and two months), videos are finally done and shown. Disaster swooped in at the last moment, caused tears, upheaval and plenty of drama, but it was averted in the end. The events of the past week alone could make for good reality tv... and they have definitely added a touch of extra and unwanted age to my features. But above all of that, Casey has graduated 8th grade. She leaves behind beloved teachers (one of whom she has had off and on since first grade, and whom she ended with as her homeroom teacher again this year in 8th grade. Mrs. Koenig and Miss Denney (her other favorite) will be missed. It will be a big change in the coming year. She is moving on to another school while her friends, many of whom she's been with every school day since K5 and first grade, will move on to different schools.
Tomorrow we celebrate with her friends and their familes by sharing dinner together at a restaurant on the ocean. No doubt pictures will follow since the girls are dressing up again and we are planning a photo shoot on the beach... well, that is if the weather cooperates. It's raining. This is big news. It's been raining for hours, it seems it's going to rain for days. We can't complain. We want it and need it. We are desperate for it. But we do have beach plans tomorrow evening, and my roof is leaking in two places... I would like the rain in moderation. it's a love/hate thing, you know?
Sarah came and did Casey's hair for graduation and is coming again tomorrow with plans for another gorgeous "do". It was really fun having her come and help. Her stylings were much admired by all. Me? I am now trying to adjust to life unattached to my videos. Today for a while, I was completely lost as to how to go about the day without a demanding vdieo and the stress of the whole process harrassing me. The chair in front of the computer didn't need me and that was odd. That is where I have lived for two months pretty much non-stop. A very odd feeling. But after a very brief sort of floundering around this morning, I recovered and remembered how to obsess about photos and grocery shopping, vacuuming and doing dishes and errands and running kids around. I do obsess so well.
I have roof leaks to check, so carry on and enjoy the photos!