Here we are all together in December at a wedding

I got older

Been working on creating a less barren back patio area lately, and just retuned home with bags of pine bark nuggets and weed and feed, so I will be ready to get working first thing in the morning. It's a start.
Here was phase one

Phase two

And the frog that shows up everywhere I go -
I shriek a lot when outside because it's like a bad dream sometimes. Look at his beady eyes. Sometimes I stare him down. But he just sits there and waits for me to go inside, calculates where I will go next time I'm outside, and wham, there he is under foot, overhead on an awning, in my planters....

Casey got her learner's permit - If possible I am more high strung now than after my first two fifteen year old drivers. Some days are better than others. She is doing better all the time.

At Christmas we all got together and had the annual silly string war. Many of the Kiedis klan couldn't be there, but no one held back. The video is classic.

That's enough for now. Backatcha another day.
That day has come, get back at us and post those 4th of July pics! Loved/hated seeing the frog. Reminds me of the long ago day when I jumped up to swing from the top of the swing set on Honeysuckle Ave and landed with my hand and my entire weight on a frog. Squished so hard and slurpy that I still get shivers when I think of it. Ugh.